Enable Plex Hardware Transcoding on Synology Nas

Plex on Docker on Synology: enabling Hardware Transcoding

Watching the movie Joker in 720p without hardware transcoding

What needs to be washed

  1. Grant access to graphics device nodes.
  2. Create or modify a Plex Docker container.
  3. Have fun!

Another point of attention

            sudo su
docker cp plexinc-pms-001:/config /volume1/docker/plex/
docker cp plexinc-pms-001:/transcode /volume1/docker/plex/

Grant access to graphics device nodes

            cd /dev/dri/
ls -50
            full 0
crw------- 1 root root 226, 0 Aug 3 20:41 card0
crw------- 1 root root 226, 128 Aug three 20:41 renderD128
  1. Create the post-obit file in your docker/plex folder: devicepermissions.sh
  2. Edit the file, add the following lines and salve the file.
sudo chmod 666 /dev/dri/*
sudo chmod 666 /dev/dri/card0 /dev/dri/renderD128
  1. Now become to the Control Console and open up the Task Scheduler.
  2. Create a task: click Create > Triggered Task > User-divers Script.
  3. Requite your job a name (eg. Device Permissions), set the user to root and set event to Kicking-upwards.
  4. Set the following line as run control and click OK.
            bash /volume1/docker/plex/devicepermissions.sh          
            full 0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 226, 0 Aug 3 20:41 card0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 226, 128 Aug 3 20:41 renderD128

Create or change a Plex Docker container

  1. You need to run the container using loftier privilege.
  2. Don't run the container immediately after creating information technology. If you have a Plex container already running, stop the container.
            "devices" : null,          
            "devices" : [                          {                          "CgroupPermissions": "rwm",                          "PathInContainer": "/dev/dri/card0",                          "PathOnHost": "/dev/dri/card0"                          },                          {                          "CgroupPermissions": "rwm",                          "PathInContainer": "/dev/dri/renderD128",                          "PathOnHost": "/dev/dri/renderD128"                          }            ],          

Permit's try this thing out

Watching the movie Joker in 720p with hardware transcoding enabled

CPU usage drops even more while notwithstanding watching the flick!

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