Poo in a Bag Toilets for Travelling

Ok, time to be honest, I've been hiking and wild camping for many years and yes, I have done a poo outdoors.

You can stop giggling now! Err gross, yes, just seriously let'southward all get over being polite and pretending information technology doesn't happen because information technology flipping does! I'm guessing you're reading this to observe some wild camping ground toilet solutions and etiquette for your trip.

Why am I telling you this? I hate seeing toilet paper and baby wipes when I'grand out hiking and wild camping. Information technology's not pretty, it doesn't improve my outdoor experience and put merely I don't want to see information technology, (I'm assuming you're the same).

Here I will share a few of my toilet tips nigh how and where to go to the toilet when you are out hiking or wild camping. And the most essential item that I take on ALL my wild camping trips and hikes too, nope it's not toilet newspaper, it's this lightweight camping trowel.

Please take a read if y'all are planning your beginning wild camping trip and experience costless to ask me any more questions in the comments below.

*Becky the Traveller participates in the Amazon Services Associates Programme, likewise equally other affiliate programmes. If you make a buy through these, I earn from the qualifying links. This is at no extra toll to you. Read more than here.

Top tips + communication on how to go to the toilet outdoors

Beautiful scenery on Pennine Way
Beautiful scenery on Pennine Way

Read about the best way to get to the toilet whilst you're outdoors. Don't let it stop you going on longer trips just be prepared for emergency toilet trips and you'll have no worries. E'er handy to read this if yous hike with children every bit sometimes the obvious 'waiting' isn't an choice!

As well, I would advise avoiding very spicy food before a big hike. Plenty said, I think!

Read my Beginner'southward Guide to Wild Camping here

Plan your walk (+ toilet stops)

For me the key is preparation, the ultimate win is going to the toilet earlier y'all keep your hike. But nosotros know the human torso doesn't ever behave in the way you lot want it to!

Information technology'southward not always necessary to get to the toilet outdoors, if you plan your wild camping ground trip or route ahead, y'all can look out for those PC symbols on the OS map, which means Public Convenience (or loo, toilet, lavatory) whatever you call it!

Top tip – carry some change for those toilets that have a donation box to keep them open.

Bothy on the West Highland Way
Bothy on the West Highland Mode (with no toilets)

Maybe starting time your walk at a location with a toilet, you can have a last-minute wee or poo. Plus there'south the cognition it'due south there when you render!

Many paid machine parks have toilet facilities, for instance, the lovely Edale in the Elevation Commune, a perfect start for and then many beautiful walks.

Some other alternative is to not kickoff your walk at a toilet, merely ensure y'all walk past 1 near the halfway point of your walk or trip. Again, cognition is power, or in this case, knowledge is a toilet haha!

But what if you're doing a longer walk? Or hiking in a remote expanse. Or maybe even a hike and wild camping trip?

That's when you need a PLAN B!

Keep reading how to go to the toilet in the wild!

Read next my guide on camping in winter

Where to go to the toilet outdoors?

Hiking along the Pennine Way

Firstly, don't leave information technology to the last infinitesimal to detect a spot, because in that location might not be many on your route. Some paths tin can exist decorated or simply not suitable, ie hiking along Striding Border or heading up to Scafell Pike in the Lake Commune.

one. Find a spot that's away from the path

Firstly, yous don't want to start flashing your ass at fellow walkers or runners coming downwards the trail but information technology'due south not pleasant to practice your business on or close to the path.

Consider how popular the route yous are doing, peeing exterior in a remote role Snowdonia it is relatively like shooting fish in a barrel to detect a spot. But if you lot're hiking upwardly Snowdon in that location are probable to exist a lot more people about and more difficult.

You should be at least 50 metres away from the path, maybe further if y'all're in an open space. In walking terms that'south near 45-60 seconds (or a 10-second sprint if you lot're desperate!)

Individual Toilet Facilities

Wild camping
Wild camping in the woods

Desire a bit of privacy? If you're with friends then you lot can become them to look out for you, or if you're on your own, use a stone or tree!

The other option is to take a large (and not run across-through) poncho with you, this tin and so double upwards as a private toilet. It might brand it more than difficult, not seeing where you are peeing. I will exit that idea with you!

ii. Check your area

Consider the environment that is direct close to you. Are their brambles, nettles or any other plants that may cause discomfort? And yes, I take stung my bum on nettles before, I don't recommend it!

In Scotland, and other high tick-infested places, mainly where at that place are deer or sheep and thick bracken. Call up before y'all squat! And always make sure you bank check your torso later on for ticks.

A small travel mirror is a good thing to conduct and also a tick remover carte du jour or tick tweezers. They don't cost much and aren't heavy merely 100% useful!

Where NOT to become the toilet outdoors?

Looking out from Robin's Hood Cave in the Peak District
Looking out from Robin's Hood Cavern in the Peak District


Have you ever been in a cave to shelter from the rain or go explore? Then smelt or seen something yous really didn't desire to. Yuck. Please don't do it in a cave!

Shelters or ruined buildings

Remember almost anywhere you lot might sit, shelter or eat your luncheon. These include stone wind shelters, bothies or brute shelters. Now think whether these brand a suitable toilet. Hmm, nope!

Nearly or close to a water source

The water might be someone'south drinking water, whether it'southward being filtered or not, reducing your waste product into the water needs to factored into the spot you choose.

I filter my drinking water with either my Water-to-Go bottle or Platypus filter organisation on longer trips.

Going for a wee outdoors

Stream in the Peak District - keep away when weeing
Proceed away from streams when peeing outside

The location shouldn't be whatever unlike for men or women, simply because you guys can do it standing upwards doesn't hateful you lot can pee anywhere yous want. Hither's my hiking and wild camping toilet etiquette for peeing outdoors.

(Not that I'm saying you all practice this, but I take seen guying terminate, pee so keep walking!)

A few tips to consider:

  • Is it a windy day? Make sure you position yourself in the best identify i.e. pee with the wind. Lookout man your period isn't going to hit your trousers or shoes.
  • If in that location's a gradient, then make sure both feet are pointing down. Otherwise, you could have a potential moisture foot situation.
  • Ladies, it's commonly easier to take your backpack off so you can residue then if you lot take your haversack off, put information technology above you!

To squat or not to squat? (Ladies)

This might seem obvious but there are unlike ways you tin can go far a good position to go for a wee. You tin can get with a traditional total squat with your legs low to the footing.

Or yous can try a three/4 position, where you take a wide stance and push your hips back. This is handy if you're in grassy terrain or you might find more comfortable. Information technology'south certainly easier to stand support again. Worth trying both options to see what works for you.

Hiking Kentmere Reservoir in the Lake District
Even squatting for a photograph takes some leg ability!

What about a SheWee?

Ladies, ane to consider simply if you don't fancy squatting down to go for a wee you could try a SheWee, at that place are plastic versions or disposable ones you can purchase.

My personal thoughts on this are, firstly, you have another particular to either clean or dispose of and secondly, accidents can happen. It's worth trying it out at abode before you lot venture outdoors with your new gadget!

It would be useful if you lot demand a wee in the middle of the night whilst wild camping and it's heavy raining outside. Just then, you'd demand a bottle or container to pee in, hmm, and you wouldn't want to mix them upwardly!

Wild camping views from Vango Tent
Happy waking up without the rain!

Peeing exterior – A wee milk shake or toilet paper?

Weeing is the easy bit, then what do you lot exercise afterwards? There's the popular shake until y'all are dry out technique, or utilize a panty liner to catch any drips.

There is likewise a wide range of underwear designed for bladder weakness or beingness on your flow. But what's to say they wouldn't be perfect for a long hike or wild camping trip.

I'm all the same to try the underwear, just information technology's a good eco-friendly option and makes for a more comfortable walk (drip-complimentary!) Allow me know if you recommend any, equally I want to try some out 🙂

Or then there's adept former fashioned toilet newspaper or a pack of tissues. You can buy handy packs of tissues in bulk, ready to accept on whatever trips. Or why not try biodegradable toilet paper which is more compact, handy for longer multi-day hikes. Only call up that all toilet paper needs to be packed out. Go out no trace.

Pee fabric

Pee cloth attached to backpack
Pee textile that I used on the Pennine Mode

This is a new piece of kit I have tried this year and it's been a total game changer. The pee cloth folds in half and has a small hook then y'all can hang on the exterior of your handbag.

I've used on all my long-distance hikes this year and it now comes on all my day hikes too. Any questions please drop me a message 🙂

Buy your pee cloth hither

Going for a poop outdoors

Many of the rules as regards to finding a spot for a poo are the same as going for a wee. How helpful, it means you can practise a wee and poo in the same place.

The primary difference with going for a poo instead of a wee is the hole that you'll need to dig to deposit your homo waste. In my early wild camping days, I would utilise sticks, walking poles or even my boots to dig a pigsty.

None of which are particularly quick, when you lot need a number 2!

Backpacking Poop Shovel

Digging a hole for pooing outdoors
Digging a hole for pooing outdoors

Now I utilize asmall trowel, it was pretty cheap from Amazon I've not managed to suspension information technology and I've used it loads. At that place is a wide range of trowels you can buy and I would 100% say get one now. It's the best piece of kit I have, well, for going to the toilet outdoors!

Some people prefer to prefer the Leave no Trace principle to a different level andpoop in a bag and carry the waste out. I don't fancy carrying a bag of shit with me on my hike, as long every bit you dig a practiced hole to bury information technology that'due south only as good.

Digging your poo hole (or cat pigsty)

Brand sure you're non nearly a path, water source or another identify where people might sit and relax.

Ideally, peat soil is perfect, information technology's relatively easy to dig a sufficient hole only you might not be that lucky and have to search around for a adept chip of ground to dig. Areas dense with heather are tough due to their root systems so avoid if possible.

The hole needs to be at least 6 inches deep, that'southward the length of a standard smartphone.

Wild camping - views from tent
Wild camping – views from my MSR tent

Getting in position

Unlike a wee, you lot may be in this position longer. Get comfortable and make sure your bum is higher up the hole. In that location'due south no indicate going to all that endeavor and missing the damn thing! (PS, if you lot practice miss the hole, employ a stick to poke information technology in!)

My good friend and hiking buddy Impala on Trail has a few dissimilar techniques you can endeavour for going for a poo. Don't worry, no bums are on show!

Cheque it out and subscribe to his awesome YouTube Aqueduct here – Impala on Trail (Poo like a pro and go out no trace – How to Poop in the Forest)

What practice y'all practice with the toilet paper?

Discarded toilet paper on Ben Nevis
Discarded toilet paper on Ben Nevis

For me, this is a really piece of cake one. It should be the same every bit any other rubbish yous create whilst on your hike or wild camping trip (different when I hiked up Ben Nevis). Accept information technology with you lot.

The best thing I've plant for toilet paper is dog poo numberless, they are small and easy to take a few with me on each trip. You lot tin can then tie a knot in the bag and dispose of when you can. Alternatively, zip lock bags would work.

The merely matter that isn't great with this pick is the non-eco-friendly, plastic purse! You can go around this by elimination the tissue and reusing the pocketbook or find some other bag/container to put your waste in.

Some people burn down their toilet tissue, but since lighting fires can potentially cause damage to the basis, I'm not going to recommend this option. Even setting fire to the tissue seems like a pain to me and in the pelting, information technology would be mission impossible!

The important thing is to take it with you. Go out NO Trace!

Ladies – on your period whilst hiking + wild camping

Menstrual cup - perfect for long hikes + wild camping
Menstrual cup – perfect for long hikes + wild camping

Yep, it's a hurting isn't it, why is it that every time you lot take a large hike or camping ground trip it coincides with your time of the month?

The same rules utilize, leave no trace, if you use tampons or sanitary towels the scented canis familiaris poo numberless are besides great for used germ-free products. Then you tin dispose of properly when yous get dwelling.

But my latest best hiking piece of kit is the menstrual cup, you can use it for upward to 12 hours at a fourth dimension. Perfect for long hikes and overnight wild camping trips. It does take a little getting used to so perchance try out at home first.

Whatever questions virtually using a menstrual cup then please drib me a message. I've been using for 2+ years now. Find me on Instagram @beckythetraveller

Wild camping in the Lake District
Wild camping ground in the Lake District

Longer Wild Camping Trips

I've used on all my long-distance hikes this year, Cumbria Way and Road ny Folian. information technology was peachy to feel comfortable for the entire day and then in the privacy of my tent I was able to empty it onto a tissue, rinse and re-insert. You can also dig a small hole to empty the waste matter, simply since you need to remove and empty at the same fourth dimension it'southward not ever practical.

I'd recommend taking hygienic wipes to clean your hands and to freshen upwardly. It's non the easiest matter to practice in a small tent but practice makes perfect!

Read side by side – All-time Long Distance Hikes in the UK

Becky's essential wee + poo outdoor kit

Wild camping toilet kit list
Wild camping ground toilet kit list + trowel
  1. Toilet paper (biodegradable option) or a pack of handy tissues
  2. Wet wipes (flushable ones are ameliorate for the surroundings)*
  3. Dog poo bags or zip lock numberless – Try these bio-degradable lavender scented ones!
  4. Minor camping trowel
  5. Hand Sanitiser

*I prefer not to use wet wipes at all but they are handy to accept. If you only have a small packet of tissues sometimes one wet wipe does the task much quicker.

And of course, some things are personal preference, do yous want quilted or recycled toilet paper, practise y'all desire a brilliant orange trowel or a metal i, do yous want to take some soap and launder your easily?

It doesn't thing what or how y'all do it, as long as you have the kit that you need when nature calls!

Going to the toilet outdoors + wild camping toilet tips

Wild camping
Wild camping in the woods
  • Don't be nervous, nosotros all do it!
  • Holding it in volition just give you the worst tum ache – Better out than in!
  • Toilet paper does not magically disappear overnight. If you use it, have it with y'all.
  • Keep the outdoors beautiful and Get out NO TRACE.

How are you feeling about going for your first poo outdoors? I promise I've helped answer a few questions about wild camping toilets so that you tin enjoy your trip and not worry. If you lot have any more than toilet questions then please ask in the comments beneath

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Tips for wild camping toilet trips

Wild camping toilet tips

*Becky the Traveller participates in the Amazon Services Associates Program, every bit well as other affiliate programmes. If you make a buy through these, I earn from the qualifying links. This is at no extra cost to you. Read more hither.

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