Mexico's Drug War and Criminal Networks : The Dark Side of Social Media book cover


Mexico's Drug War and Criminal Networks : The Dark Side of Social Media book cover


Mexico's Drug War and Criminal Networks : The Dark Side of Social Media book cover


1st Edition

Mexico'south Drug State of war and Criminal Networks
The Dark Side of Social Media

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Volume Description

Mexico's Drug War and Criminal Networks examines the effects of technology on 3 criminal organizations: the Sinaloa cartel, the Zetas, and the Caballeros Templarios.

Using social network analysis, and analyzing the use of spider web platforms Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, Nilda Thousand. Garcia provides fresh insights on the organizational network, the cardinal nodes, and the channels through which information flows in these three criminal organizations. In doing so, she demonstrates that some drug cartels in Mexico have adopted the usage of social media into their strategies, often pursuing different tactics in the search for new ways to dominate. She finds that the strategic adaptation of social media platforms has dissimilar effects on criminal arrangement's survivability. When used effectively, coupled with the adoption of decentralized structures, these platforms do increase a criminal organization'southward survival capacity. Nonetheless, if used haphazardly, information technology can take the opposite result.

Drawing on the fields of criminology, social network analysis, international relations, and organizational theory and featuring a wealth of information about the drug cartels themselves, Mexico'south Drug State of war and Criminal Networks will exist a great source for all those interested in the presence, behavior, purposes, and strategies of drug cartels in their forays into social media platforms in United mexican states and beyond.

Table of Contents


1. Narco Mexico

ii. Social Media: The Continuation of War by Other Means

3. The Sinaloa Cartel

4. The Zetas

five. The Caballeros Templarios


Author(due south)


Nilda M. Garcia is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Political Scientific discipline Section at Texas A & M International University. She teaches courses in international politics, foreign policy, American and Land regime, political economic system of development, and drug trafficking. Her research interests include organize criminal offense, drug trafficking, international relations, and security studies.


"Nilda Garcia has masterfully assessed the role social media has played in the Mexican drug war and demonstrated how social network analysis of drug network social media tin can be utilized to understand their strategies and survival capacity. This volume addresses how cartel social media operations tin can both impairment and strengthen Mexican drug networks. It will be of value to scholars of the drug state of war and law enforcement analysts." Nathan Jones, Banana Professor of Security Studies, Sam Houston State University

"In United mexican states in the 21st century, social media accept provided violent drug cartels the ways to launch public relations campaigns, to facilitate the recruitment of new, younger members, and to send threats to their gang rivals, to government officials, and to civil order leaders and organizations that resist them. Dr. Garcia'southward insightful new book provides a masterful exam of the means that use of social media outlets have enabled United mexican states's major criminal drug trafficking organziations to survive and thrive amidst the land's deepening drug violence and brutality. It is a must read for anyone interested in understanding Mexico's dark drug underworld." Bruce K. Bagley, Professor, Dept. of International Studies, University of Miami

"In this illuminating account, Nilda Garcia takes usa to the darkest side of the nighttime side of social media. Among a surge of books trying to make sense of the surge of drug violence in Mexico and elsewhere, Nilda Garcia's account stands out for showing u.s.a. how traffickers are not only battling it out on the streets but too online, violently competing non only over territorial space simply also in the information wars in cyberspace." — Peter Andreas, John Hay Professor, Brown Academy and writer of Killer Loftier: A History of State of war in Half dozen Drugs

"Mexico's Drug War and Criminal Networks is the kickoff systematic effort to study a "dark side of social media" focused on the Mexican cartels. Through a not bad and methodologically rigorous analysis, Nilda Garcia masterfully shows how three Mexican transnational criminal organizations—the Sinaloa Cartel, Los Zetas and the Knights Templar—collaborate in the cyberspace, organize among themselves, and which strategies they use to conquer and survive during a seemingly endless drug war." Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason Academy